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This is UWB DWM1000 Development Board with ESP32. It is compatible with BU01 UWB module DW1000 from Ai-Thinker.
Repository Content
- /Arduino Library : Arduino library and example codes (.ino)
- /hardware : Schematic (.pdf)
- /images : Images (.png)
- /production : gerber file for pcb manufacturing (.zip)
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Cerdas UWB Tracker
This is UWB DWM1000 Development Board with ESP32 as a main controller. It also compatible with BU01, the UWB module DW1000 from Ai-Thinker. As you know Ultra-Wide Band is a radio technology that can use a very low energy level for short-range, high-bandwidth communications over a large portion of the radio spectrum. Most recent applications target sensor data collection, precision locating and tracking applications. Some of high-end smartphones now support this technology.
MCU + Wifi + Bluetooth + UWB in one devices.
How To Use
At least you will need two Cerdas UWB Tracker for TWR application. Or at least four for RTLS In the Arduino IDE, make sure :
- you have installed ESP32 in the board manager
- install Arduino DW1000 library manually : UWB-Indoor-Localization_Arduino by jremington. The arduino-dw1000 by Thotro is no longer maintained and doesn't have antenna delay calibration feature. So please use the modified Arduino-DW1000 library by jremington. Or you can download it in the Arduino Library in this repo and place it in your Arduino libraries folder.
- Now you can try an example sketches in this repo. Don't forget to select "ESP32 Dev Board" when uploading
To perform anchor calibration:
- Set up a tag using the ESP32_UWB_setup_tag.ino Arduino code. The antenna delay parameter should be set to the library default.
- Power up the tag and set it 7-8 m away from the anchor. Please take some measurement so it can more accurate.
- Edit ESP32_anchor_autocalibrate.ino and replace variable "this_anchor_target_dist" with your measured distance
float this_anchor_target_distance = 7.19;
- Upload ESP32_UWB_anchor_autocalibrate.ino to your anchor device and open Serial Monitor
- Enter the reported anchor antenna delay to the ESP32_UWB_setup_anchor.ino code, specific for that anchor, and run that code to set up the anchor. Don't forget to set each anchor to have a unique anchor MAC address
uint16_t Adelay = 16545;
In the first version, there are some twisted silkscreen as shown in the image below
5V should be GND
GND (top) should be 5V
3V3 should be GND
GND (bottom) should be 3V3
Development logs
- Added BNO080 High precision 9-DOF orientation IMU sensor manufactured by BOSCH
- Added battery charging functionality, so you can use this module with LiPo battery powered.
- Change PCB color and fixing twisted silkscreen on pad 5V, 3.3V and GND
- Initial design
PCB and Parts
If you want to make the hardware yourself, just download the gerber file in production folder. Send it to your fav pcb manufacturer. And dont forget to get the Bill of materials :
Qty | Part Name | Parts | MPN |
6 | Capacitor 100nF 0603 | C3, C5, C8, C9, C10, C12 | |
7 | Resistor 10K 0603 | R1, R2, R7, R8, R15, R19, R20 | |
1 | Capacitor 10nF 0603 | C6 | |
5 | Capacitor 10uF 0603 | C1, C2, C4, C7, C11 | |
1 | Resonator 12Mhz 3213 | X1 | |
11 | Resistor 1K 0603 | R5, R6, R9, R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, R16, R17, R18 | |
1 | Diode 1N5819HW (SL) SOD-323 | D1 | |
2 | Resistor 4K7 0603 | R3, R4 | |
1 | Voltage Regulator AP2112K-3.3TRG1 SOT-23-5 | U1 | |
1 | LED BLUE 0805 | L4 | |
1 | Mosfet BSS138 SOT-23 | Q3 | |
2 | Push Button YD3414 | S1, S2 | |
1 | CH340G SO-16 | U2 | |
1 | DWM1000 Module | U4 | |
1 | ESP32-WROOM Module | U3 | |
1 | LED GREEN 0805 | L1 | |
6 | LED RED 0805 | L2, L3, L5, L6, L7, L8 | |
2 | Transistor S8050 SOT-23 | Q1, Q2 | |
1 | P-Mos SI2301 SOT-23 | Q4 | |
1 | USB Type C SMT 16P | J1 |
Below is the first version of Cerdas UWB Tracker. We keep this for your references.
We invests time and resources providing this open-source hardware, please support us by purchasing our products.
Designed by Insan Sains for Gerai Cerdas, with contributions from the open source community. Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike, all text above must be included in any redistribution. See license.txt for additional information.