Stino copied to clipboard
Doesn't seem to work with Arduino 1.5.7
Using Sublimetext 3 and Arduino 1.5.7 on Windows 10 64bit
Added this package to the packages folder and set up the location of the Arduino environment. I can open Arduino projects but it cannot compile. Recieve the same error, no matter what I attempt to compile (note: it DOES actually create the .cpp file in the right place, so I'm not sure what the problem is):
[Stino - Start building "pressureSensorTest"...] [ 3%] Creating C:\Users\Scott\Development\pressureSensorTest\pressureSensorTest.ino.cpp.o... The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
[Stino - Exit with error code 1.]
Hi @Smashcat I'm working in a new plugin it's not using the arduino IDE instead use platformIO as compiler, you shouldn't have problem to run any arduino board (it support more than 200 boards). It is currently in beta, if you like to try it and maybe report an error/bug or new feature, you will be welcome.
All the details about the project here: