George Shammas
George Shammas
I don't think we need a `celestial_body` type. The test says the name of the planet is `Sun`, but our Sun is not a planet it is a star. There...
Spaces are now in beta, and they are extremely awesome! They are very quickly getting adopted by all my communities. Having each slack workspace become a matrix space would be...
Unless anyone objects strongly, I am going to close this issue in a week. I agree that all the problems should be solvable without base, and I think issues about...
This PR also requires a change to the ocaml-test-runner as re2 is not a dependency currently installed there.
This is likely not mergeable as is, because WTFT hard codes md5 generated station IDs for defaults, and people's stored favorites also use them. However getting to a consistent state...
This would take some effort to make cleanly upstream-able. I have the type information fully completed here: BTW, this branch, which includes all the PRs so far, are live...
Also running into this problem, while trying to sync 14k changes do to changing a tag. Not the most elegant of solutions, but as a band-aid, this worked for me....