Results 42 issues of Yuriy Chernyshov

Merge module throws upon attempting to merge singe item with ranges like `1-7,6,8-` ``` ERROR [19:56:25]: Task execution failed due to invalid parameters: Invalid page ranges, found an intersection between...

Since pdf can have bookmarks, it looks useful to provide an option for merging bookmarks from one pdf to another (at page numbers), and maybe even exporting and importing bookmarks....

I've french_1990 and standard English (Great Britain dictionaries installed). I write the single word l'été: Here is what I see. English dictionary fails to validate it (that's OK). French...

This is the default behavior of LibreOffice, OO and, I think, MSO. All suites ignore the word, if the cursor is placed at the end of it.

## Summary * OS: Windows * Bug fix: no * Type: core ## Description At the time, an attempt to compile the binding with (on by default) clang-cl's `-fno-common leads...

flb_sds_len() returns size_t, and both strncmp and strncasecmp accept size_t as third argument.


At the time building turbo_base64 via NixOS fails as it tries to install build library into user home directory.

``` $ host has address has IPv6 address 2a02:750:7:3305::2aa ``` ``` $ telnet 443 Trying 2a02:750:7:3305::2aa... telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused...

I've implemented C++ wrapper around nanosvg and tried to add some tests. When input is not corrent, nanosvg does not report this: `nsvgParse` / `nsvgParseFromFile` do not return `NULL` in...

It would be great to have more clean pattern separation. The following pattern should match default makefile names for make. ``` [{GNUMakefile, makefile, Makefile}] ``` ## Want to back this...