@hlissner python-mode does not seem to work unless I install system-wide python3, I'm using pyenv and it does not detect nor activate python-mode unless I install python3. I have python3...
@hlissner For some reason, that key combo doesn't work, but I saw some message complaining about pipenv not being found on my path. It's available in my python3 shim though....
@rphillips my path has that already.
@hlissner Starting emacs via terminal with the virtual env enabled seems to solve this. From this, I think it's conclusive that it's a path issue.
@hlissner Fixed :sweat_smile:, please discard all my concerns I found the problem to be with how `ZSH` was loading my env variables. All I had to do is load them...
@ediphy-azorab Same issue.
@paulnikolaus Plus one to that, I'm experiencing the same when I activate my virtualenv.
@yurishkuro Is this related to this error? ```ts 13:33:08 [vite] Internal server error: Failed to resolve import "./layout.worker.bundled" from "..\plexus\src\LayoutManager\Coordinator.tsx". Does the file exist? Plugin: vite:import-analysis File: C:/dev/jaeger-ui/packages/plexus/src/LayoutManager/Coordinator.tsx:20:25 1 |...