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Problem with devise STORE RDB$RELATION_FIELDS failed attempt to store duplicate value (visible to active transactions) in unique index "RDB$INDEX_15"
I try to use devise and i have this issue
== AddDeviseToUsers: migrating ========================================= -- change_table(:users) rake aborted! An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled:
Rubyfb::FireRubyException: Error executing SQL statement. unsuccessful metadata update STORE RDB$RELATION_FIELDS failed attempt to store duplicate value (visible to active transactions) in unique index "RDB$INDEX_15" This operation is not defined for system tables. SQL Code = -607 Firebird Code = 335544351 : ALTER TABLE "USERS" ADD "EMAIL" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL
Tasks: TOP => db:migrate
if i comment the line
t.string :email
it works and the migration finishes
so the line with the problem is in the migration add_devise_to_devise_users.rb the one that readds email column , maybe it should recreate it ?
Class AddDeviseToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up change_table(:devise_users) do |t| ## Database authenticatable t.string :email, :null => false, :default => ""
it can happen if the users migration is already created befor devise migration