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Auto-configure and then control your Midea M-Smart devices (Air conditioner, Fan, Water heater, Washer, etc) via local area network.
I have added the debug command to my configuration.yaml and when I attempt to reboot I get the following error and the system will not reboot. I think it is...
先谢谢大佬的插件,终于可以在HA中控制86面板了。 我家里是有一个面板是带wifi的,其它3个房间都是不带wifi的,之前抓包好像有看到其它房间的设备,所以想问大佬,能否通过一个设置后控制其它的中央风管机。
Hello, first thank you for the integration, very easy to configure, but I have a serious problem with it, the information is not updated if I change a parameter from...
最新版本的Midea ac lan可以接入热水器了,立马下载安装了一下,发现了几个问题: 热水器调温后可以同步至ha,但是ha调温后无法同步至热水器,几秒钟后恢复为热水器之前的温度。 热水器型号为燃气热水器JSQ30-16HC4,可能是set_temperature方法的实现有些问题; ~~然后是Homekit接入的问题,由于本集成的模式选择为 "Shower Mode", "Kitchen Mode", "Bathtub Mode", "Temperature Mode", "Cloud Mode", "Energy Saving",并不能严格对应HA默认的模式(参考 https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/core/entity/water-heater/ ),导致在Homekit中无法选择相应模式,这其实不影响什么,因为模式调节其实也无所谓。但是一个关键问题在于没有提供"STATE_OFF"模式,导致Homekit中会一直显示正在加热,不能显示关闭的状态~~ 刚试了试,HA官方接入就没把这个弄明白,不管什么模式都会显示加热,没法关闭😂
空调型号(室外机):MDVH-V120W/N1-620LX 空调型号(室内机):MDVH-J36T2/BP3N1Y-LX(B) (以及其他几个同系列不同功率型号) 随机配有 86 面板式的美的 Wi-Fi 开关网关一只,该网关自带一路触摸开关功能。 通过“美的美居”App 可以搜索到该网关并通过 Wi-Fi 方式配置网络联网。 连网后,“美的美居”App 可以自动发现多台室内机(网关与空调通信使用三条线,不确定是 RS485 还是美的私有协议),并分别控制每台室内机的运行。 目前,通过 pip 安装的 midea-discover 命令并不能搜到该网关,反而能搜到我同一个网络里的美的洗碗机… ``` helixzz@home-ubuntu:~$ midea-discover INFO:msmart.cli:msmart version: 0.2.3 Currently only supports...
I was posting in a different [issue](https://github.com/georgezhao2010/midea_ac_lan/issues/33) as I thought it was more relevant but it got closed by the OP. The front panel on my units displays error codes...
Some Midea and compatible AC models support a frost protection mode (FP), that maintains a temperature of 8°C. On the remote, it can be activated in HEAT mode, by setting...
Hi, I have a Midea Inverter Xtreme Save split air conditioning and the integration is working great. The only issue I have is that Power and Energy values measurement are...