Hey—I want to write a tutorial about extending the Controller class for [lil-gui]( and I remembered this classic lib... I just changed the `marked` dep to the oldest version that...
Uses the sign of wheel delta to increment NumberControllers on mousewheel. The [spec says]( I'm supposed to be able to divide this value by 120 to get actual lines scrolled,...
WIP template for custom controller guides / other examples
Abort setValue if currentValue === newValue. One possible harm I can see here is someone using setValue() on an array or object based color controller, expecting it to trigger onChange...
Corrects cases for number controller where min or max are not divisible by step (#141) Number controllers will begin incrementing by `step`, starting from `min` if it's defined. If `min`...
Adds a `captureKeys` flag to GUI's constructor, which is true by default. If this is false, GUI will **not** call `stopPropagation()` on key events that originate from within the GUI....
Allows us to reduce some logic in GUI by relying on native behavior. Also allows us to recycle more styles.