Georg Jung

Results 20 comments of Georg Jung

@kornelski Anything more I can do to help finding a solution for this?

Are you looking for libraries or for executables? For libraries, you can look at my project [MozJpegSharp](, which is a wrapper for MozJPEG for the .Net Framework. It comes with...

[Allow package authors to define build assets transitive behavior]( reads > To construct a package which allows build assets to flow transitively, package author will need to put all these...

Is there any progress on this? Are there any docs how to use tracing with a blazor server app? Regarding e.g. > A workaround we are experimenting with right now...

I ran into the same problem and wanted to check if it might make sense to create a PR (probably not, the change seems rather non-trivial?). Is this something that...

Hey @tarekgh, Thank you for sharing the design! I've had the chance to take a look and have some thoughts - fwiw/probably a bit from a BERT perspective ;-). -...

Thanks for the detailed response! > The challenge is during the encoding need to store the produced ids which need to allocate the array before hand. need to estimate the...

I forked this (`trivy-azure-pipelines-task`) and enabled container image scanning from containerized trivy. It is thus easy to always use the latest version without workarounds. I also added some more improvements...

Due to the staleness of this repo and the corresponding extension, I decided to fork it. I don't plan to invest in really developing this further, but I will probably...

It is already possible to sign xlsm/... files with AzureSignTool. Thanks @vcsjones for the great work! > Microsoft Signtool allows it when there is a special SIP package installed So...