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Getting warning for already existing fields for WFS services
Hi everyone 👋,
I am getting the following warning for several WFS services that I try to call:
WARNING:fiona._env:Field with same name (<field_name>) already exists in (<feature_name>). Skipping newer ones
Sometimes also along with this warning:
WARNING:fiona.ogrext:Field name collision detected, field is skipped: i=1, key='gml_id'
Using Dagster as the orchestration tool my logs are bloaded with the above warnings that exist for almost every WFS. An example is the WFS https://inspire.brandenburg.de/services/au_bdlm_wfs with the au:AdministrativeUnit
I am using my custom function to get data from different WFS into my Data Warehouse using owslib:
def get_wfs_data(
wfs_url: str,
feature_type: str,
version: str
) -> pd.DataFrame:
Function to retrieve data from a Web Feature Service (WFS)
wfs_url (str): Base URL string of the WFS (everything in front of '?')
feature_type (str): Name of the feature to be retrieved
version (str): Version of the WFS (e.g. '2.0.0')
geopandas GeoDataFrame
# Connect to the WFS service
wfs = WebFeatureService(url=wfs_url, version=version)
except Exception as e:
print(f'The connection to the WFS [{wfs_url}] could not be established. The error message is: \n {e}')
# Create a GetFeature request
response = wfs.getfeature(typename=feature_type)
except Exception as e:
print(f'''GetFeature request for the WFS [{wfs_url}] and the feature [{feature_type}] could not be executed.
The error message is: \n {e}''')
# Read the response into a GeoDataFrame
gdf = gpd.read_file(response)
# these steps are necessary because dlt cannot handle spatial data
gdf["epsg"] = gdf.crs.to_epsg() if gdf.crs else None
gdf = gdf.to_wkb(hex=True)
return gdf
What are the reasons for these warning and what can I do to solve them?