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Support of ISO19115-3:2016 Geospatial Standard
We use an application that uses this library, and have been pointed to this library as where we'd need to add support for the ISO19115-3:2016 Geospatial Standard so it can be supported upstream. https://github.com/ckan/ckanext-spatial/issues/212
Is this assumption correct?
And do you have an idea of what work would be required or how you might approach adding this support @tomkralidis ?
Thanks :)
Does anyone have access to the ISO specification? We should start at that point :)
@kalxas Thanks, I'll get to work on getting us a copy of the ISO specification.
@anotheredward maybe have a look thorough here to see if there is an openly available spec http://schemas.opengis.net/
Echo @kalxas on starting with the spec. A minimal implementation can act as a baseline to start followed by implementing known profiles or implementation. Are there examples of the new ISO out there you can point us to?
Here is a github repo with some examples:
We currently apply XSLT transforms to these records before harvesting in CKAN, so that the XML conforms to older versions of the ISO 19115 standard. But we are interested in eventually having CKAN harvest records directly using the new ISO standard because of better support for certain important metadata features.
See https://github.com/geopython/OWSLib/pull/900