Canvas-Txt icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Canvas-Txt copied to clipboard

Multiline text on HTML5 Canvas

canvas txt

Canvas Txt 📐✍

Better way to render text on the HTML5 Canvas


A Miniscule library to render text on HTML5 Canvas with ZERO dependencies 🆎


  • [x] Multiline text
  • [x] Auto line breaks
  • [x] Horizontal Align
  • [x] Vertical Align
  • [x] Easy Debugging


See Demo: Here


npm install canvas-txt --save


yarn add canvas-txt


<canvas id="myCanvas" width="500" height="500"></canvas>


import canvasTxt from 'canvas-txt'

const c = document.getElementById('myCanvas')
const ctx = c.getContext('2d')

const txt = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'

canvasTxt.fontSize = 24

canvasTxt.drawText(ctx, txt, 100, 200, 200, 200)

Node canvas

See nodejs demo

const { createCanvas } = require('canvas')

const canvasTxt = require('canvas-txt').default

const canvas = createCanvas(400, 400)
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')

ctx.fillStyle = 'black'
const txt = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'

canvasTxt.drawText(ctx, txt, 50, 50, 200, 200)


See fiddle : here

<script src="//"></script>
var canvasTxt = window.canvasTxt.default
/// ...remaining same as webpack


Properties Default Description
debug false Shows the border and align gravity for debugging purposes
align center Text align. Other possible values: left, right
vAlign middle Text vertical align. Other possible values: top, bottom
fontSize 14 Font size of the text in px
font Arial Font family of the text
fontStyle '' Font style, same as css font-style. Examples: italic, oblique 40deg
fontVariant '' Font variant, same as css font-variant. Examples: small-caps, slashed-zero
fontWeight '' Font weight, same as css font-weight. Examples: bold, 100
lineHeight null Line height of the text, if set to null it tries to auto-detect the value
justify false Justify text if true, it will insert spaces between words when necessary.


Method Description
drawText(ctx,text,x,y,width,height) To draw the text to the canvas


import canvasTxt from 'canvas-txt'

const c = document.getElementById('myCanvas')
const ctx = c.getContext('2d')

//You can use \n to define custom line breaks
const txt = 'Lorem \nipsum dolor sit amet'

//You can also use other methods alongside this
ctx.fillStyle = '#ff0000' //red color text

canvasTxt.font = 'Verdana'
canvasTxt.fontSize = 20
canvasTxt.align = 'left'
canvasTxt.lineHeight = 60
canvasTxt.debug = true //shows debug info
canvasTxt.justify = false
canvasTxt.drawText(ctx, txt, 100, 200, 200, 200)

React wrapper

A wrapper of this library is available for react. Check neomusic/react-canvas-txt