FBReaderCS copied to clipboard
FBReader in C# (currently for WP8)
Проверьте почту с отчетами, я думаю их там куча. Метод с ошибкой - FBReader.AppServices.FlurryAnalytics.GetUniqueId
When I open an epub from external app (e.g. Google Drive for WP), FBReader remain in loading state for infinite time
Whe I open an epub from OneDrive account, I'll wait infinite time before it is opened (screen remaining in Loading state). Workaround is close and reopen the app, and reopen...
Hi , I'm working on a EPubReader application for windows phone 8. I want to implement FBReader Library into my application. I want to implement the search in epubreader ....
It's due to the application bar get in the way. So users cannot use translate feature. Work-around: select text from above line, then drag it to the bottom.
Using latest fb reader on windows phone 8. When I try to remotely access my calibre library it loads in then errors out saying to check my internet connection? No...
Hi , I have been looking for a epub reader for windows phone 8. Yesterday i found your post that FBReader source code is finally available for windows phone 8...
Не знаю, актуально это, или уже нет. Но хочу спросить,как это сбилдить? Ну или можно получить сразу .xap?