Thanks! after downloading snapshots and syncing for a few hours it finally worked! Think that has anything to do with --snap.stop? I was thinking to remove that after doing the...
Same here. CL is lighthouse and I'm running on c2655ad6ef2c063678dfc00c2dc4989b1b04ef24 Startup args: ``` --snap.stop --authrpc.jwtsecret /etc/ethereum/jwt.hex --authrpc.port 8553 --datadir /erigon --http=false --maxpeers 20 --ethash.dagdir /erigon/erigon-ethash --port 30305 --trustedpeers=enode://xxx ``` I'm...
I noticed (unless that's random and just luck) that with --snap.stop erigon is mostly in sync and sometimes 1 block behind the chain. Without it my RPC was falling behind...
This can be done efficiently using `trace_filter`. Blocks can be scanned with `trace_filter`, and filter out the txs that originate from the addresses in questing for every block. Here is...