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Validation for the PHP Fat-Free Framework
Fat Free Framework Validator
An easy to use and strait to the point validation trait for Fat Free Framework
Using Composer
composer require geofmureithi/f3-validate
Copy the lib\validate.php
file to the lib folder or any root of an auto included folder.
Remember it requires at least php 5.4 to use traits
Getting Started
class Profile
use Validate; //<--- Trait
public function getRules()
return [
"email" => "reqired|email"
public function save()
$data = $f3->get('POST')
$profile = new Profile();
$result = $profile->check($data);
if( $result != true) return $result; //errors
Available Validators
- required
Ensures the specified key value exists and is not empty
- email
Checks for a valid email address
- max_length,n
Checks key value length, makes sure it's not longer than the specified length. n = length parameter.
- min_length,n
Checks key value length, makes sure it's not shorter than the specified length. n = length parameter.
- exact_length,n
Ensures that the key value length precisely matches the specified length. n = length parameter.
- alpha
Ensure only alpha characters are present in the key value (a-z, A-Z)
- alpha_numeric
Ensure only alpha-numeric characters are present in the key value (a-z, A-Z, 0-9)
- numeric
Ensure only numeric key values
- boolean
Checks for PHP accepted boolean values, returns TRUE for "1", "true", "on" and "yes"
- url
Check for valid URL or subdomain
- ipv4
Check for valid IPv4 address
- ipv6
Check for valid IPv6 address
- card
Check for a valid credit card number (Uses the MOD10 Checksum Algorithm)
- phone
Validate phone numbers that match the following examples: 555-555-5555 , 5555425555, 555 555 5555, 1(519) 555-4444, 1 (519) 555-4422, 1-555-555-5555
- regex
You can pass a custom regex using the following format: 'regex,/your-regex/'
Adding custom validators and filters is made easy by using callback functions.
$message = "The value of {0} must include each of these items : {1}";
Validate::addValidator("contains", function ($value, $ruleConfigs) {
$required = explode("&", substr($ruleConfigs[0], 1, -1));
$diff = array_diff($required, explode(",", $value));
return empty($diff);
}, $message);
Validate::addValidator("custom", "SampleClass::testCustom", "Custom Error");
- [x] Add Tests and Travis
- [x] Convert to Trait
- [x] Use Audit and make Lib more lightweight
- [x] Allow Translations
- [x] Add Composer
- [ ] Add detailed Examples
Tests are run using PHPUnit
./vendor/bin/phpunit --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php --testdox tests
See the tests folder for now
Feel free to Create a PR