STM32-Template copied to clipboard
A Build Template for the STM32 Processor
when typed "make" ... ends to this: /home/peyman/toolchain/Sourcery/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc -T../stm32f100.ld -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m3 -o BlinkingLights.elf startup_stm32f10x.o system_stm32f10x.o main.o main.o: In function `main': **# /home/peyman/toolchain/STM32-Template/BlinkingLights/main.c:12: undefined reference to `RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd'** collect2: error: ld returned...
Hello, I am following along with your book "Discovering the STM32 Microcontroller". On page 49 there is instruction to type "make" in the demo folder. The stm32f10x.h file cannot be...
Hello, I'm using windows 7 and GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain from launch pad, and peripheral lib v3.5 I'm getting the following error. ` D:\STM32\STM32-Template\Demo>make C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Tools ARM Embedded\5.4...
`make: *** No rule to make target "system_stm32f10x.o", needed by "Demo.elf". Stop.` I only change paths to periph.library and to gcc. Why it appear and how to fix it?
Hello! I have a `CMakeLists.txt` version of the `Makefile` and `Makefile.common` and I think it'd be a good idea to add it, some of my reasons are: 1. A decent...