Lampost-Mud copied to clipboard
A Python server and HTML/angular.js client for MUDs and other multi-user virtual worlds
Development Suspended
This project is no longer updated. The active version of Lampost is now on Gitlab:
lampost_lib lampost_mud lampost_ui
These "current" versions do not have full support for the angular.js client. Instead they use a React.js/mobx based client. My development efforts are now focused on building a non-MUD game using the Lampost framework, so there will not be a React.js MUD client/editor in the near future. Accordingly if you need a MUD UI you are limited to using these Github versions of the code, or of course, I would welcome someone else expanding the lampost_ui project to include full MUD support.
As always, please contact me at [email protected] with any questions or ideas.
Lampost is a multi-user virtual world building platform inspired by the thriving community of multi-user dungeons (MUDs) of the 1990s.
- Install Python 3.4+
- Install redis-py 2.10.3+, Tornado 4.5+ and PyYAML 3.10+ (for configuration) using pip
- Install Redis 2.4+
- Start Redis with the redis-server script
- Clone this Github repository
- Run lampost_setup --imm_name YOUR_SUPERUSER_PLAYER_NAME
- Run
- Point your browser at http://localhost:2500
Lampost Components
Application Server
The Lampost application server manages user/player sessions, client communication (via Web Sockets), and the game engine via asynchronous, event driven atomic operations.
Web Client
The Lampost web client is an angular.js single page application. It provides a clean UI to the Lampost Game Engine, as well as underlying support for Lampost sessions and client services.
Game Editor
The Lampost editor is a full featured administrative web client, also built on angular.js. The editor allows building traditional MUD environments in minutes, with real time creation of items, mobiles, rooms, areas (both shared and instanced) and user scripts.
Feature Highlights
Seamless Persistence
Lampost game objects are persisted in back end data storage. Adding, subclassing, and combining persistent objects is all but invisible to the developer. Say goodbye to table definitions, xml configuration, lifecycle management, and all of the other annoying overhead of most persistence frameworks.
Lampost by default uses Redis, but support for other key/value stores requires modifying only a single Lampost class.
Intelligent Parsing
Lampost includes a sophisticated command parser designed around actions in a virtual world. The parser is context aware, tailoring available actions and targets to the player, their abilities, their possessions, and their environment. The context aware algorithm results in extremely fast parsing performance.
User Scripts
Lampost has experimental support for user supplied scripts, allowing users to dynamically attach Python code to in-game objects to dramatically expand the ability to customize the game experience without modifying source code.
Websocket API
Lampost has a full featured JSON/Websocket API for creating, modifying, and deleting in game objects. This API supports the Lampost editor.
The Lampost application server requires Python 3.4 or later. Lampost has been run successfully on Linux, Windows, and OS X (CPython), and smoke tested on Pypy3 2.4.0 (Ubuntu).
The Lampost web server is built on the Tornado web server. Lampost has been tested on Tornado 4.0.2.
Lampost uses Redis as its primary, high performance key/value datastore. Lampost is currently compatible with Redis 2.4 and later versions. Lampost requires the awesome redis-py library for Redis connectivity.
Finally Lampost requires PyYAML 3.x for initial configuration.
Lampost is covered by the MIT license, a copy of which is included in this source tree.