copied to clipboard
terminal error
Hi. I'm getting the following in the logs:
DEBU[0309] received from container websocket: standard_init_linux.go:190: exec user process caused "permission denied"
Every time I reload the page I see that error, "standard_initlinux.go:190..." flash in the terminal box on the page and in the log stream. I'm guessing that this is related to connecting a shell to the terminal window. Any hint on how to debug this would be appreciated. All the other functionality, AFAIK, works fine. This is on ubuntu.
I have minimal docker/container knowledge so I may be doing something obviously wrong.
what browser are you using?
I'm similarly experiencing this issue on Ubuntu 18.04.
$ uname -a
Linux sparky 4.15.0-33-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 15 16:00:05 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ sudo docker version
Version: 18.06.1-ce
API version: 1.38
Go version: go1.10.3
Git commit: e68fc7a
Built: Tue Aug 21 17:24:51 2018
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Experimental: false
Version: 18.06.1-ce
API version: 1.38 (minimum version 1.12)
Go version: go1.10.3
Git commit: e68fc7a
Built: Tue Aug 21 17:23:15 2018
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Experimental: false
This looks to be an issue with the nested dockerd run from the dind/ container.
/usr/src/ # docker --tls --tlskey /etc/docker/ssl/client.key --tlscert /etc/docker/ssl/client.cert -H version
Version: 17.05.0-ce
API version: 1.29
Go version: go1.8.1
Git commit: v17.05.0-ce
Built: Tue May 16 10:10:15 2017
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Version: 18.06.1-ce
API version: 1.38 (minimum version 1.12)
Go version: go1.10.3
Git commit: e68fc7a
Built: Tue Aug 21 17:28:38 2018
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Experimental: false
/usr/src/ # docker --tls --tlskey /etc/docker/ssl/client.key --tlscert /etc/docker/ssl/client.cert -H run hello-world
standard_init_linux.go:190: exec user process caused "permission denied"
It it somehow doesn't have the necessary privileges to run containers. This is odd as it seems to be running as full root:
$ ps aux | grep dockerd | grep 2375
root 14029 0.3 0.1 542212 55372 ? Ssl Sep03 4:38 dockerd -D --storage-driver aufs -H tcp:// --host=unix:///var/run/docker.sock --userns-remap default --log-driver=none --exec-opt=native.cgroupdriver=cgroupfs --ip-forward=false --ip-masq=false --icc=false --tlsverify --tlscacert=/etc/docker/ssl/cacert.pem --tlskey=/etc/docker/ssl/server.key --tlscert=/etc/docker/ssl/server.cert
$ pscap -a | grep 14029
14000 14029 root dockerd full
14029 14099 root docker-containe full
Any thoughts on what might be going on here?