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A library for C++/Fortran computer simulations (e.g. stencil codes, mesh-free, unstructured grids, n-body & particle methods). Scales from smartphones to petascale supercomputers (e.g. Titan, Tsubame...
refactoring left it in a zombie state... but Konstantin's work for GSoC 2015 is fit to revive it. Originally reported here:
A "make clean" removed the example program, but nothing cleans up all the generated outputs. It would be nice to have the programs fully clean up after themselves. As a...
PPMWriter could be expanded to write only some slices of a 3D-Cube volume. Originally reported by Sophie Wenzel-Teuber here:
Reported by @BennoSchuepferling: CheckerboardingPartition showing buggy behavior on use with HiParSimulator and SoA. Simlulation exiting on Segfault message: Address not mapped Moved from
Expand Initializer API: make node domain visible to Initializer Outer Ghostzone should be synchonized by Simulator prior to simulation. Originally reported by @BennoSchuepferling on BitBucket:
The current nano step implementation does not only synchronize ghost zones but also switches its grids. This might lead to extensive copies between nano steps if executing multiple cactus thorns....
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Test 2D/3D models, constant & periodic boundary conditions, threaded vs. scalar updates See and for more details. Moved from