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Mesh UI - Add a node to a list of node window shows a different language

Open martinbogaert opened this issue 4 years ago • 1 comments

Gentics Mesh Version, operating system, or hardware.

  • v1.5.1


When trying to add a node reference is a list of node for a node contributed in EN (see Schema 1), the node that should be added to the list is displayed in another language. In the example, the DE is shown. DE is not set a default language or fallback language. EN is the default language. Also the node is contributed in 3 languages. (see picture 1-4)

When in the UI, add button is clicked, Mesh UI is sending a POST with a GraphQL query : query: query ($parent: String, $filter: NodeFilter, $perPage: Long, $page: Long) { node(uuid: $parent) { uuid nodes: children(filter: $filter, perPage: $perPage, page: $page, lang: ["de", "en"]) { totalCount pageCount elements { uuid schema { name } displayName isContainer availableLanguages } } breadcrumb { uuid text: displayName } } }

Why lang variable is a list containing "de" and "en" ?

Expected behaviour and actual behaviour

This windows proposing the list of nodes that can be added in the list should display the list of node in EN.

(picture 1) image (picture 2) image (picture 3) image (picture 4) image

(Schema 1) { "name": "testimonial_page", "container": false, "autoPurge": false, "displayField": "id", "segmentField": "id", "urlFields": [ "id" ], "fields": [ { "name": "id", "type": "string", "label": "id", "required": false }, { "name": "testimonials", "type": "list", "label": "testimonials", "required": false, "listType": "node", "allow": [ "testimonial" ] } ] }

martinbogaert avatar May 27 '20 15:05 martinbogaert

on top of that : another small question is : why the popup windows for choosing a node (picture 2) is proposing several node types while the schema is defined to accept only one node type ? You have the list of all nodes in the project but you cannot select them (which seems logic) but why showing them then ?

martinbogaert avatar Jun 12 '20 11:06 martinbogaert