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Delete fields

Open philippguertler opened this issue 6 years ago • 4 comments

In Mesh, every non-required field of a node can be deleted. The UI currently does not provide a method to do this.

philippguertler avatar Jun 08 '18 07:06 philippguertler

Binary fields can already be deleted. #120

philippguertler avatar Jun 08 '18 07:06 philippguertler

This needs more effort and thought than expected. Every field has its own way of deleting its contents. Examples:

  • Binary and node reference already has button for deletion
  • Number fields can just be emptied
  • Date fields could be emptied, but this is currently not possible in the Gentics UI core component
  • For string and html fields, an empty string could be considered something different than null
  • For list fields an empty array could be considered something different than null

The payoff for this is very low compared to its efforts, that's why we are not going to release this in 1.0.

philippguertler avatar Jun 28 '19 07:06 philippguertler

In addition to this there does not seem to be a way to delete an entry on a list field. You can add new entries to your content but you can never reduce the number of entries. How can such basic functionality not be available in the UI?

jalberto-ghub avatar Jun 01 '20 13:06 jalberto-ghub

This is actually possible. You can drag an entry to the left side to remove it. I agree, this is hidden quite well and a simple remove button would be more obvious and faster.

philippguertler avatar Jun 15 '20 06:06 philippguertler