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Various Sketches written in Python Language for Processing
Various Artistic Processing Sketches
note: these sketches use the Python language version of Processing
New to Processing, and to generative art in general. Here I will keep all of my favorite sketches. I try to make each sketch file as readable as possible, with values you can edit up at the begining, but feel free to message me with questions!
Custom Pseudo Noise Donuts
A pseudo-noise function, driven by sine, cosine, and linear interpolation. This sketch uses the function in a flowfield drawn inside a donut shape
Generate perlin noise shapes that resemble life, specifically alien ocean life. Designed to look like infrared images taken from an ocean world somewhere in the cosmos.
Basically rotational perlin noise. Spend some time messing with the settings, there are so many different results that can come from this simple code
Sin, Tan, and Perlin:
Another very simple code that has many different results, depending on the settings. Generates interesting forms with a characteristic falling sand effect
This sketch uses bezier curves and perlin noise to generate symmetrical objects with bezier curves shooting out, not really sure how to explain it, best to experiment with it