KinectProjectorToolkit copied to clipboard
Processing library for calibrating a Kinect to a projector for aligning projections to moving bodies and surfaces
Hey there! First: Thank you for this great library. I saw your demo-videos and WOW! I tried to compile with the newest versions of everything, but I got a lot...
Tried to run the Calibration and the Error message receive is that I'm missing the jama library. Not sure what that is or where I can find it. I'm using...
Hallo. SimpleOpenni 1.96 I am trying to run some of the examples but i keep taking the message " java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: processing.core.PVector.set(FF)V at processing.opengl.PSurfaceJOGL$ at Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: processing.core.PVector.set(FF)V...
I tested the CALIBRATION.pde without problem after installing the libraries. Everythings work, but when I try to connect the HDMI projector, the kinect stops to work and start to had...
GitHub changed the way Markdown headings are parsed, so this change fixes it. See [bryant1410/readmesfix]( for more information. Tackles bryant1410/readmesfix#1
Hello, it would be a nice addition to add msafluid example to this project ( ) for those without coding skils.
Hello Gene, I'm trying to adapt this code to project on other surface than the user body (a piece of cloth instead). I'm struggling with the DepthMap, because I need...
"So given real world PVector realWorldPoint, the projected coordinate is accessible via: PVector projectedPoint = kpt.convertKinectToProjector(realWorldPoint);" Referring to this, what do you mean exactly when you say "realWorldPoint". Is it...
when i was running the Calibration.pde a "NullPointerException" showed in the console what should I change in my code? I'm using kinect v1 processing2.2.1 simpleOpenNi version0.26 opencv for processing0.5.2 controlP5...
Once the calibration is done, can we use the calibration.txt file in Python? I need to use the Caffe framework to detect objects and project onto their real world coordinates....