AutoTrimps copied to clipboard
Wait for Gymystic before farming
I've had Trimps running for about two months and the farthest zone I've ever cleared is 52. I know that AutoTrimps isn't designed for low-level players, although I decided to try it out because... well, it's been two months and I still haven't gotten to the start of the storyline (zone 60)! So if I could have something gathering helium in my sleep that'd be pretty nice to actually see what the game is supposed to be like
For the most part I was able to get AutoTrimps working really well with a few tweaks to the default settings:
- I had to set the "Trimple Z" to a non-zero value or it never ran Trimple of Doom (I went with 35 so it would run it after grabbing a Gymystic upgrade and I was a couple zones over-leveled so I one-shot everything)
- I set AutoPortal to "Helium Per Hour", but also had to set the "He/Hr Dont Portal Before" to 40 or lower (I went with 40 so it wouldn't hurt my He/Hr to farm for void maps)
- I had to lower "Void Difficulty Check" to 2 or 3 (otherwise it would farm for 5-8 hours before doing void maps)
- I had to set "Void Maps" to the highest multiple of 5 I could manage to ensure I had the latest "Gymystic" upgrade and I wasn't attempting to run voids too frequently
- I had to turn up "Max Gateways" to 50 (because early game you can't afford collectors and they get me those critical Coordination upgrades to push farther)
- I had to turn up "Max Wormholes" to 5 (I know it costs 50 helium, but it was worth it for 2 additional Coordination upgrades)
- I had to turn "Max Huts", "Max Houses", etc down to 75 (otherwise it wasted a LOT of gems and food on +14 trimps when I already had 80k and would much prefer another nursery)
- I was able to set the AutoPortal challenge to "Balance" since this gave me approximately a 20% increase in He/Hr - but that may not be true for people who can't easily reach zone 45+
With all of this (and with an He/Hr Portal Buffer of 0) I've been fairly consistently portaling around zone 47-48 and gaining 2k-3k helium per run (with a run lasting about 5 hours). Because higher levels offer more helium per boss, and at zone 50 you get a Gymystic upgrade, I decided to try tweaking my "He/Hr Dont Portal Before" to 51 to see what would happen
What happened was the instant I reached zone 50, while still in cell 1, it ran off to the maps to start farming... and it farmed for 3 hours until it decided I was strong enough to one-shot every enemy in the zone. It then went back to the world and rapidly progressed through zone 50, but by the time I finished the boss I had spent so much time farming that my He/Hr had fallen and it auto-portal'd
However just 35 or so cells into the zone there was a gymystic upgrade which would have increased my block tenfold. Rather than farming it would have been better to slowly push my way for that gymystic upgrade - then maybe farm after I had it for the map bonus.
I think the following tweak to the automaps script (or additional variable) would make the game a lot better for people who haven't broken zone 60 yet:
If the zone you're on has a Gymystic upgrade (zone is a multiple of 5) And you want more health Postpone farming until you've gotten the Gymystic upgrade
To keep from negatively impacting things too much it could only trigger if "Want more health" is the reason for going to the maps (still go before Gymystic if "Farming" or "Want more damage" is true)