Daniel Gempesaw
Daniel Gempesaw
Ahh, yes, very helpful! more and more like a proper compilation buffer after all! :) Perhaps it's time to stop using `(async-shell-command)` and do it properly with `(start-process)` and corresponding...
yeah PRs are definitely the way to go :D. branches for days! :) I believe I've granted push permissions - you probably already know, but melpa unstable builds directly off...
if it's of assistance, `compilation-minor-mode` seems pretty helpful, seems like there's an alist `compilation-error-regexp-alist` that we'd just need to add our own regex to for it to understand the type...
also seeing this exact behavior - at some point, my main frame freezes. But, it still accepts keyboard input, so I can still edit files and save them etc; just,...
All the symbols are in the default `obarray` and you can map over them with [`mapatoms`](http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Creating-Symbols.html#index-mapatoms-493). I'm not sure how to combine that knowledge with what @PythonNut made above. I...
I found another package called [`ido-at-point`](https://github.com/katspaugh/ido-at-point) which provides completions for the thing at point. I submitted a katspaugh/ido-at-point#4 to add an option for the fuzzy matching that we're interested in.
It didn't work when I was playing around with this six months ago. It may very well do so now - I haven't tested it recently...