Chris Geirman

Results 26 comments of Chris Geirman

@dimgrav probably because the Archriss has more profitable or more interesting things to do with his limited time? This repo hasn't been active for a while. Maybe you can volunteer...

Would be awesome if we could merge the PR #73 to add this feature

Going through the code, I noticed an undocumented least it's undocumented in that `route` isn't part of the API documentation. If I pass the route in like so, then...

Got it. Unfortunately controller/action doesn't work in this case for some reason. It still should though. But because the URL is formatted `/controller/action?page=2` it attempts to display the `show()` action...

Hey @perdjurner, I was hoping, but unfortunately they're different. I've created a demo page that shows all the various outputs so you can compare, but here are the highlights. Notice...

@andybellenie Sorry, I'll try to explain it better. I have a quotes table. As I output each quote, I'll want to add a tag to the one's which have converted...

Sorry, I updated the code example. There's definitely other ways to go about this.

Well, I'm not sure there is an existing solution that is clean. In my example, I want to show all quotes, but add job related data when that data exists...

Ben Nadel mentioned this feature in his recent blog post. I thought it might be interesting to share how he's using it...

class is not part of the [`paginationLinks()`]( API definition. This only works because all arguments are passed through to the [`linkTo()`]( function. We should probably update the paginationLinks() API definition...