Gehazi Bispo
Gehazi Bispo
I was thinking about exactly this yesterday. As is an opensource platform (my guess) and has an opensource curriculum structure (for sure) it could be managed to fork the...
I see @ZuzooVn, but we could start with little, then escalate. I think the machine learning basic algorithms would be enough for a start. But, things could go pretty easy...
Yes. But it is just because of that, that it is needed a platform. :) *Gehazi R. S. Bispo* Bsc. Psychology, Msc. student in Behavior Theory and Research -...
It would be great @Kunal Vats, but, as for my self I can't code yet. Enviado do meu Galaxy S5 Mini Em Qua, 21 de mar de 2018 17:46, Kunal...