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A simple IRC bot which fetches and posts RSS feeds

Python RSS-2-IRC bot

This is a simple bot which fetches RSS feeds and posts them to an IRC channel.


  • python3
  • pip3
  • venv (Available by default in Python 3.3+)


  • Saves feeds and news items in a sqlite database
  • Fetches every feed in a separate thread
  • Posts new news items to an IRC channel
  • Sends information via private messages
  • SSL connection support
  • Full utf-8 support
  • Nick login support
  • Delayed post during conversation
  • Keywords in news title filtering support
  • Customizable post colors
  • Automatic join to channel on kick

Bot's commands:

    Send all commands as a private message
    - !help         Prints this help
    - !list         Prints all feeds
    - !stats        Prints some statistics
    - !last         Prints the last 10 entries
    - !lastfeed <feedid> Prints the last 10 entries from a specific feed


Clone this repository and change into the directory. Create a new virtualenv and activate it:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Proceed with the installation of all dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Copy the sample files:

cp feeds.sql.sample feeds.sql

Edit to fit your needs and IRC settings. All feeds from feeds.sql will be imported on the first start.

You might want to update all feeds before connecting to the IRC server to prevent spamming the channel (and optionally a ban from your IRC server). Either set update_before_connecting = True in the or run the update script before starting the bot:


To start the bot, run:

or in background:
python3 2>&1 > newsbot.log &

If you want to run this as a systemd service, you can use the rss2irc.service file after adjusting the paths in there.

Adding feeds

To add a new feed, edit the feeds.sql and import it to your sqlite database:

sqlite3 feeds.db < feeds.sql

And restart the bot.


See LICENSE for more information.