nvim-python-repl copied to clipboard
A simple neovim plugin that leverages treesitter for interacting with a python/scala/lua REPL.
A simple plugin that leverages treesitter to send expressions, statements, function definitions and class definitions to a REPL.
The plugin now supports three different filetypes: python, scala and lua. It is
suggested that you have ipython,
sbt, and ilua
installed in your path respectively. (Scala projects are expecting that the scala file
is opened from the directory containing build.sbt
In addition to sending treesitter objects, there is also support for sending a selection from visual mode.
tree-sitter parser
You will need to install the tree-sitter parser that corresponds to your desired programming language. For example, for Python, you will need to execute :TSInstall python
before nvim-python-repl
will function properly.
Can be installed with any plugin manager. For example, in lazy you can use
dependencies = "nvim-treesitter",
ft = {"python", "lua", "scala"},
config = function()
execute_on_send = false,
vsplit = false,
Somewhere in your init.lua/init.vim you should place
There are a few keybindings that the user needs to set up.
vim.keymap.set("n", [your keymap], function() require('nvim-python-repl').send_statement_definition() end, { desc = "Send semantic unit to REPL"})
vim.keymap.set("v", [your keymap], function() require('nvim-python-repl').send_visual_to_repl() end, { desc = "Send visual selection to REPL"})
vim.keymap.set("n", [your keyamp], function() require('nvim-python-repl').send_buffer_to_repl() end, { desc = "Send entire buffer to REPL"})
vim.keymap.set("n", [your keymap], function() require('nvim-python-repl').toggle_execute() end, { desc = "Automatically execute command in REPL after sent"})
vim.keymap.set("n", [your keymap], function() require('nvim-python-repl').toggle_vertical() end, { desc = "Create REPL in vertical or horizontal split"})
vim.keymap.set("n", [your keymap], function() require('nvim-python-repl').open_repl() end, { desc = "Opens the REPL in a window split"})
- This plugin also works with nvim-jupyter-client. There is a function to send a cell under cursor to repl.
vim.keymap.set("n", [your keymap], function() require('nvim-python-repl').send_current_cell_to_repl() end, { desc = "Sends the cell under cursor to repl"})
There are a few options. First, whether to execute the given expression on send
and second, whether to send to a vertical split. By default these are set to true. Toggle on send
can be toggled with <leader>e
or :ToggleExecuteOnSend
. Whether to send to vertical
by default can be changed with :ReplToggleVertical
or :lua require("nvim-python-repl").toggle_vertical()
There is an also an option to specify which spawn command you want to use for a given repl (passed as table),as well as an option to prompt from the command that starts the REPL.
Here is the default setup:
scala="sbt console",