Armaghan Shakir
Armaghan Shakir
sure, makes sense
I have a question: What is the right way to implement this interface? 1. add the package `timesfm` as a dependency to sktime and create the interface on top of...
FYI @benHeid , this is something maybe you can help with?
yes @benHeid that seems to solve the problem, Thanks
yes you can basically add `, is_causal: bool = None` or `, **kwargs` at the end of forward pass for `TransformerBatchNormEncoderLayer`
That does sound a very genuine feature because recently I was uploading vectors and didn't know how long to wait. For some samples it would take 3 minutes, for larger...
@julian-fong did you start working on this? I was also planning to do so. If you are busy with something else as well, I can take this up.
@fkiraly There are a few things with TimesFM - it also uses freq, should we deal with it the same way we dealt with NeuralForecast in - it has...
> Why not? I have tried this on linux and things are working fine - but I have seen people raise issues and also discussed this with @julian-fong that there...
@fkiraly this might be blocking - `TimesFM` does not work for all python versions, how do we handle that?