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Linter for django projects
Django linter
.. image:: :target:
This is a simple extension for pylint that aims to check some common mistakes in django projects.
Contributions are welcome.
pip install django_linter
It can be used as a plugin or standalone script. To use it as a plugin it should be installed first, then run with pylint:
pylint --load-plugins=django_linter TARGET
To use it as a standalone script:
usage: django-linter [-h] TARGET [TARGET ...]
Simple extension for pylint to check django projects for common mistakes.
positional arguments:
TARGET python package or module
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Implemented checks
- E5221 (required-setting-missed): Used when required setting missed in settings file.
- E5222 (empty-setting): Used when setting is empty value.
- W5221 (improper-settings-import): Used when settings is not imported from django.conf
- W5241 (nullable-text-field): Used when text field has null=True.
- W5242 (float-money-field): Used when money related field uses FloatField.
- W5243 (naive-datetime-used): Used when there is is used.
- W5244 (related-field-named-with-id): Used when related field is named with _id suffix
- W5245 (unicode-method-absent): Used when model has no unicode method.
- W5246 (unicode-method-return): Used when unicode method does not return unicode.
- W5247 (model-field-redefinition): Used when there are more than one model field with the same name.
- W5248 (get-absolute-url-without-reverse): Used when get_absolute_url method is defined without using reverse function.
- W5211 (form-field-redefinition): Used when there are more than one form field with the same name.
- W5231 (is-authenticated-not-called): Used when is_authenticated method is not called
- W5232 (objects-get-without-doesnotexist): Used when Model.objects.get is used without enclosing it in try-except block to catch DoesNotExist exception.
- W5233 (fetching-db-objects-len): Used when there is db query that fetches objects from database only to check the number of returned objects.
- W5234 (raw-get-post-access): Used when request.GET or request.POST dicts is accessed directly, it is better to use forms.
- W5201 (forms-layout): Used when form class definition is not in forms module.
- W5202 (admin-layout): Used when admin class definition is not in admin module.
- W5251 (print-used): Used when there is print statement or function
Implemented suppressers
- "Meta" classes
- urlpatterns
- logger
Implemented transformers
- "id" field
- "objects" manager
- "DoesNotExist" exception
- "MultipleObjectsReturned" exception
- test responses (django and DRF)
- factory-boy's factories (factory should return django model, but not always possible to infer model class)