
Results 42 comments of geektortoise

Hello, As annotations concerns multiple tables and we can use multiple filters, Cytomine generate complex queries. Did you try to paginate your requests (with max and offset) ? What are...

Multiple problems here : - The term is given by the table annotation_term. - We can't easily display all the terms of the annotation (see bellow) - We can filter...

Hello, The json_agg need a GROUP BY. It is tricky to make it work with all the possible requests. So I used the previous proposition. More easy to integrate.

This is an IMS problem. The commit fix the problem.

Hello, Have you tried these ways ? 1) In the configs/core/cytomineconfig.groovy file, you will find the default generated password for "admin" user. If nobody has changed this password, you will...

If you collegua has left the default value, here are the commands `sudo docker exec -it postgresql bash` `psql -h localhost -U docker` Password for user docker: is docker

What is the result of the command `sudo docker ps` ?

Hello, Hmmm :/ What is the result of the command `sudo docker logs db` ? It may indicates why it is restarting.

Commit seems to fix the issue. I will do more tests when I'm able to.

Hi, I answered on I propose to continue the discussion on :-)