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ELK Training
elasticsearch 7.1.0 is not compatible with kibana 7.3.0, change to 7.3.0
correct the wrong name of docker networks used by kibana service in this file
Hi, 在极客时间 《Elasticsearch核心技术与实战》 视频教学的第7节课中介绍使用 docker-compose 启动多个es 相关实例,我在测试学习的过程中发现有人和我有同样的问题,出现了 cannot connect to http://elasticsearch:9200 的异常,导致 kibana 无法正常启动,cerebro也无法正常检测,我似乎找到了问题的所在,但好像不是所有人都会遇到这个问题。希望提交这个 pull request 来解决这个问题。谢谢。
part-1/2.3-在Docker容器中运行Elasticsearch,Kibana和Cerebro/docker-es-7.3/docker-compose.yml # 13 netwoks: - es7net 修改为: networks: - es73net
The `remove_field` duplicated with [L30](
fix cerebro can't connect to http://elasticsearch:9200 error on mac after git clone this repo , if derectly run docker-compose up kibana will not successfully started because it can't connect to...
fix the kibana's networks to "es73net"