binGraph copied to clipboard
Simple tool to graph files for quick analysis
A tool to graph files for quick visual analysis of binary files
Feel free to use this project (in its entirety) in other tools, and please provide attribution back to the project.
Creates matplotlib graphs to represent different aspects of a file (usually malware). Focusing on entropy.
Given a file(s) (with --file
) different graphs can be generated (e.g. ent
, hist
etc.) or all
can be used to generate all the graphs available.
Below are the --help
$ python --help
usage: [-h] -f malware.exe [malware.exe ...] [-r] [-] [--prefix]
[--out /data/graphs/] [--json] [--graphtitle "file.exe"]
[--showplt] [--format png] [--figsize # #] [--dpi 100]
[--blob] [-v]
{all,hist,ent} ...
positional arguments:
{all,hist,ent} Graph type to generate. Graphs can also be
individually generated by running the in isolation:
python graphs/ent/ -f file.bin
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f malware.exe [malware.exe ...], --file malware.exe [malware.exe ...]
Give me a graph of this file. Provide a list of files
with the "@files.txt" syntax (for example from a
`find` command). See - if this is the only argument
-r, --recurse If --file is a directory, add files recursively
- *** Required if --file or -f is the only argument
given before a graph type is provided (it's greedy!).
E.g. " --file mal.exe - bin_ent"
--prefix Add this prefix to the saved filenames
--out /data/graphs/ Where to save the graph files
--json Ouput graphs as json with graph images encoded as
--graphtitle "file.exe"
Given title for graphs
--showplt Show plot interactively (disables saving to file)
--format png Graph output format. All matplotlib outputs are
supported: e.g. png, pdf, ps, eps, svg
--figsize # # Figure width and height in inches
--dpi 100 Figure dpi
--blob Do not intelligently parse certain file types. Treat
all files as a binary blob. E.g. don't add PE entry
point or section splitter to the graph
-v, --verbose Print debug information to stderr
Binary Entropy - ent
Shows the entropy over certain sized chunked samples of the binary file. The sample size is scaled to the --chunks
option (defaults to 750). More chunks give mode detail, but can get messy! The --ibytes
option provides a method to highlight certain bytes and their occurence within that sample set. This often has direct reflection to why entropy goes up or down - lots of 0's? Entropy line goes down, and 0's line go up!
must be an list of json dictionaries. Dictionaries must contain a "name"
, and "bytes"
values. "bytes"
is an array of integers which are interpretted as hex bytes. The optional "colour"
value can be a matplotlib colour (e.g. r, b or hex with/or without alpha), or not defined (in this case a seeded value is used)
!MALWARE! Sample from:
$ python ent --help
usage: ent [-h] [-c 750] [--ibytes [{ "name":"0s", "bytes":[0] },
{ "name":"Exploit", "bytes":[44, 144], "colour":"r" }]]
[--entcolour #cf3da2ff]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c 750, --chunks 750 Defines how many chunks the binary is split into (and
therefore the amount of bytes submitted for shannon
sampling per time). Higher number gives more detail
--ibytes [ { "name":"0s", "bytes":[0] }, { "name":"Exploit", "bytes":[44, 144], "colour":"r" } ]
Bytes occurances to add to the graph - used to add
extra visability into the type of bytes included in
the binary. To disable this option, set the flag
without an argument. The "name" value is the name of
the bytes for the legend, the "bytes" value is the
bytes to count the percentage of per section, the
"colour" value maybe a matplotlib colour ( r,g,b
etc.), a hex with or without an alpha value, or not
defined (a seeded colour is chosen). The easiest way
to construct these values is to create a dictionary
and convert it using 'print(json.loads(dict))'
--entcolour #cf3da2ff
Colour of the Entropy line
Binary Histogram - hist
Provides an insight into the occurence of all bytes in the file. Two graphs are overlayed, the red graph shows bytes 0x00 to 0xFF in order. The blue graph shows the same bytes, ordered by count, this shows the overall distribution.
!MALWARE! Sample from:
$ python hist --help
usage: hist [-h] [--no_zero] [--width 1] [--no_log] [--no_order]
[--colours #ff01d5 #ff01d5]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--no_zero Remove 0x00 from the graph, sometimes this blows other
results due to there being numerous amounts - also see
--width 1 Sample width
--no_log Do _not_ apply a log scale to occurance axis
--no_order Remove the ordered histogram - It shows overall
distribution when on
--colours #ff01d5 #ff01d5
Colours for the graph. First value is the ordered graph
To do:
- Read from stdin for use with other tools such as Didier Stevens's - Kaitai allows binary array input
- ent graph (and others) to use Kaitai as the parser instead of third party libs - bit more extensible
- Add extra graph types - Hilbert curve