vue3-tree-vue icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vue3-tree-vue copied to clipboard

A Simple vue3 project for rendering items in a tree.

npm i vue3-tree-vue

    <vue3-tree-vue :items="items" 
                   :isCheckable="false"  //Set to true if you want to get checkable items
      <!-- Applying some simple styling to tree-items -->
       <template v-slot:item-prepend-icon="treeViewItem" >
              <img src="./assets/folder.svg"
                   v-if="treeViewItem.type === 'folder'"
                   height="20" width="20" />
import 'vue3-tree-vue/dist/style.css'; // remember to add this in your component or maint.[ts/js]
  setup() {
    const onItemChecked = (checkedItems: TreeViewItem[]) => console.log(checkedItems);
    const onItemSelected = (item: TreeViewItem) => console.log(item);
    const onBeforeItemDropped = (droppedItem: TreeViewItem, dropHost: TreeViewItem | undefined) => {
      // dropHost == undefined means dropping at the root of the tree.
      // Here you can specify any kind of drop validation you will like.
      // this function should return true if the drop operation is valid.

      if (dropHost.type !== playlist) return false
      return true;
    const onItemExpanded = (expandedItem: TreeViewItem) => {
      //to use this feature properly you need to set lazyLoad property as true 
      //fetch data
      const lazyLoadedItems = fetchFromApi(...);
    const items = ref<TreeViewItem[]>([]); // define your tree items here.
    return {

Selectable Tree Items


Checkable Tree Items


Drag and Drop


Properties of the TreeView

Property Default Description
items Empty array An array of TreeViewItem.
hideGuideLines false Determines the visibility of the guidelines
lazyLoad false Determines if the tree supports lazy-loading
isCheckable false Defines if items can be selected (one at a time) or selected (using a checkbox)
checkboxStyle undefined Defines the style to be applied to the checkboxes on the tree.
dropValidator undefined Specifies a callback of drag and drop rules.

Basic properties of each tree-node.

export interface TreeViewItem {
  name: string;
  id?: string | number;
  children?: TreeViewItem[];
  checked?: boolean;
  selected?: boolean;
  expanded?: boolean;
  disabled?: boolean;// When disabled, an item can neither be selected nor checked
  meta?: any;// provides meta-data of any type per node.

Event Handlers

Events Description
onSelect Callback function when an item is selected from the tree .Returns an ItemEventArgs.
onCheck Callback function when an item is checked/unchecked from the tree.
onExpand Callback function when an item is expanded (Can be used for lazy-loading)
onCollapse Callback function when an item is collapsed
The `onCheck` event may be fired more than once to show the change in state of deep hierachies.


Class Description
selected-tree-item Defines the style for the selectedItem


Name Description
item-prepend-icon Defines the node's prepend icon.
item-prepend Defines a slot to house content before the node's label.
item-expander Defines a slot for custom expander implementations
item-append Defines a slot for adding custom content after the item name
child-append Defines a slot for adding a custom item after the last child


Name Description
on-item-hover Use in child-append and item-append slots to only show when the cursor is hovering on the node