macros copied to clipboard
how to make a command happen after command that takes input?
I would like to run workbench.action.git.push
after workbench.action.git.input-commit
is completed, but git push is called immediately after the commit input appears and before I fill it out and submit it.
Anyone have any ideas to solve this?
perhaps even just a way to delay the push command by 15 seconds.
The ability to add a delay or wait would be really helpful.
There is an open pull request with this functionality in it here, but the author hasn't merged it in yet. If you want to use this functionality now, you can copy the contents of this file into your local copy of this extension which should be at C:\Users\{YOUR_NAME}\.vscode\extensions\geddski.macros-1.2.0\extension.js.
Then just use the macro below.
"macros": {
"CommitAndPush": [
{"command": "$delay", "args": {"milliseconds": 15000}},