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Implements the Simulating Optimal FUNctioning framework for site-scale simulations of ecosystem processes, including model calibration. It contains Fortran 90 modules for the P-model, SPLASH, and Biom...

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@lauramarques Remaining issues after merge: - [x] I corrected some erroneous annual cohorts output writing. But some remain. See compilation warnings. Please resolve them. - [ ] Update documentation of...

Continuous integration tests for BiomeE runs on Ubuntu sometimes throw an error (see for example [here]( ``` *** caught segfault *** address 0x559f7bf30070, cause 'memory not mapped' Segmentation fault (core...

Comparing [BiomeE-Allocation](, from where we've copied the code, shows that the mortality formulation was changed quite a bit. In particular, the factor deltat/seconds_per_year has been removed? @lauramarques

## prepare for release: - [x] Check CRAN issues ([ISSUES]( - [x] Update DESCRIPTION - version increment! - [x] Update / check - [x] Update for release -...

Adding demo dataset for BiomeE - based on PROFOUND


This is an example of how to simultaneously run the calibration for several sites (separately). ``` # Load data from Jiarui load("~/Downloads/settings.Rda") load("~/Downloads/driver.Rda") load("~/Downloads/obs.Rda") sitenames filter(sitename == x), settings =...


Add ci:ca (leaf internal to ambient CO2 concentration) as a traits target data. We can use this dataset: - Filter `ps.type == "C3"` - Elevation should be obtained additionally...

Here I just list some possible improvements for the BiomeE implementation: - Set `nyeartrend` and `firstyeartrend` to match the available forcing data. Potentially, also `n`, `n_day` and `n_year`, which are...

use the updated version

@jaideep777 - [x] Resolve compilation error on M1 Mac (may test on a different platform with rhub checks, see below): ``` dlopen(/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.4-arm64/Resources/library/00LOCK-rsofun/00new/rsofun/libs/, 0x0006): symbol not found in flat namespace '___gcc_nested_func_ptr_created'...