USBPassThru copied to clipboard
Example for passthrough of a composite device?
Have a composite device here, Mouse report ID 0, Keyboard 1(with several other reports) Below an example of the HID report descriptor
How would you initialize a composite device? Like this?
HIDBoot<USB_HID_PROTOCOL_KEYBOARD> HidKeyboard(&Usb); // Is this needed with composite init above??
HIDBoot<USB_HID_PROTOCOL_MOUSE> HidMouse(&Usb); // Is this needed with composite init above?
KbdRptParser KbdPrs;
MouseRptParser MousePrs;
void setup()
Serial.begin( 115200 );
uint8_t attempts = 30;
while (!Serial && attempts--) {
delay(100); // Wait for serial port to connect for up to 3 seconds
if (Usb.Init() == -1) {
Serial.println("USB host shield did not start.");
delay( 200 );
HidComposite.SetReportParser(1, &KbdPrs);
HidComposite.SetReportParser(0, &MousePrs);
HidKeyboard.SetReportParser(1, &KbdPrs); // needed if using HidComposite?
HidMouse.SetReportParser(0, &MousePrs); // needed if using HidComposite?
// begin both? or should I used another library for composites?
As you asked for an initialization routine but didn't describe a problem maybe my approach helps you − or maybe is of interest for other readers:
When I used the USBMsePassThru.ino example it worked for a single mouse but failed with the trackpoint in my USB Keyboard (ThinkPad Lenovo KU-1255). I disabled the HID().SendReport()
because it was wrongly wired and clickend randomly for this device. Then I analyzed the bytes coming from the "correct standard mouse" and from the trackpoint. The Trackpoint has one static bye in the beginning, so all following bytes had to be shifted:
if (len == 6) {
uint8_t mouseRpt[4];
mouseRpt[0] = buf[1];
mouseRpt[1] = buf[2];
mouseRpt[2] = buf[3];
mouseRpt[3] = buf[4];
With that the pass through worked correctly. Both the first and last value had no meaning for this device.
When scrolling horizontally a 3 byte block with a leading 16 + scroll value + static 0 was sent which I don't want to forward, this is why I added the hardcoded length check.