docker-systemctl-replacement copied to clipboard
Oops on execute "systemctl restart nginx"
ERROR:systemctl: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ERROR:systemctl: Oops, 1 unsupported directory settings. You need to create those before using the service. ERROR:systemctl: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
use systemctl start nginx -vvv. You see broken param in nginx.service file. Delete PrivateTmp=true from nginx.service file and after use killall nginx. Now you can start nginx
it's down,it works now
Hi, new to this project. I have a question about the default PrivateTemp=true setting(also set for apache). Is there some other setup required to make the default work, or is the only option to change the service file after httpd install and before systemctl start?
On the develop branch, I have just changed the implementation - after looking into the details of what PrivateTmp should do, it seems that we can just ignore that setting in a docker container.
I may find the time to release it to master over the holidays.
@gdraheim - Sounds great, I look forward to giving it a try once ready.
i'am sorry,i have a wrong config,i found it then it works well now。
Yes, it is caused by this problem. I found the problem after consulting the document, so it can work now. Thank you very much for your answer
Yes, that's the problem. I checked the documentation and found the problem. I configured it manually, so it works now