hackintosh--lenovo-Yoga-3-Pro-1370 copied to clipboard
系统启动前就插着 USB Hub, 会造成 CPU 占用极高. 需要拔插一下 USB Hub
macOS 10.15 "Catalina" clover版本 黑果小兵下载的镜像 除了时不时系统卡住, 其他还是很好使的
iMessage/Facetime 能用嗎?
可以装 Catalina 不 ~
Hi, which config.plist should I use for Catalina? I m trying using your EFI but no success until now.
Hi i am new to hackintosh and this is my first one.I Have Yoga 3 Pro-1370 and i am willing to run Mac os catalina.I downloaded the dmg from your...
As title says. Running 10.14.1 on Yoga 3 Pro. I installed with install EFI, then copied post-install EFI to the EFI partition after installation. Am I missing anything here? Are...
Speakers output not working on Mojave 10.14.1. Headphones and internal microphone work. I copied the post-install EFI to the EFI partition.