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CUDA implementation of NMS for PyTorch

Torchvision support for NMS

Note: Since the publication of this repository, NMS support has been included as part of torchvision. Therefore you might want to use this implementation instead:

This repository might still be of interest if you need the index in the keep list of the highest-scoring box overlapping each input box.

CUDA implementation of NMS for PyTorch.

This repository has a CUDA implementation of NMS for PyTorch 1.4.0.

The code is released under the BSD license however it also includes parts of the original implementation from Fast R-CNN which falls under the MIT license (see LICENSE file for details).

The code is experimental and has not be thoroughly tested yet; use at your own risk. Any issues and pull requests are welcome.


python install



from nms import nms

keep, num_to_keep, parent_object_index = nms(boxes, scores, overlap=.5, top_k=200)

The nms function takes a (N,4) tensor of boxes and associated (N) tensor of scores, sorts the bounding boxes by score and selects boxes using Non-Maximum Suppression according to the given overlap. It returns the indices of the top_k with the highest score. Bounding boxes are represented using the standard (left,top,right,bottom) coordinates representation.

keep is the list of indices of kept bounding boxes. Note that the tensor size is always (N) however only the first num_to_keep entries are valid.

For each input box, the (N) tensor parent_object_index contains the index (1-based) in the keep list of the highest-scoring box overlapping this box. This can be useful to group input boxes that are related to the same object. The index 0 represents a background box which has been ignored due to top_k.

Currently there is a hard-limit of 64,000 input boxes. You can change the constant MAX_COL_BLOCKS in to increase this limit.