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A Framework for Dimensionality Reduction in R

Results 8 dimRed issues
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I find it misleading trying to use `embed()` on a sparse matrix and don't get an error. After an investigation, I see a call of `as.matrix()` on my sparse matrix....

On my computer running `testthat::test(".")` results in an endless loop with 100% CPU utilization, I think NMF is the culprit but cannot pin it down with absolute certainty. The test...

Non-Method Features to add: - [x] Rotation Matrix for PCA and ICA - [ ] mean and std vectors from PCA, ICA and PCA L1 - [ ] Eigenvalues -...

TODOs for the Autoencoder: - [ ] write tests for the other activation function types - [ ] better stopping criteria - [x] more than one training step, continue training...

function names are a mess currently, I will standardize them at some point with a deprecation period.

You might consider adding some of Tukey's data depth methods. R has a few packages that you could wrap including [`ddalpha`](https://cran.r-project.org/package=ddalpha) (see [this paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1608.04109) gives a pretty good description of...

- [ ] don't nest dimRedResult class.

Hi there, Please see below the repro. The examples are taken from documentation of `embed`. ``` r library(dimRed) #> Loading required package: DRR #> Loading required package: kernlab #> Loading...