Gwendal Daniel
Gwendal Daniel
The current implementation only compare top-level fields with the FieldValues provided in the addMatchableEvent. We should provide a way to match fields that are included in other fields.
It would be nice to handle URIs like `/monitoring/session/`. This doesn't seem to be easy with the current architecture though.
The server doesn't support pagination, so calling `/analytics/monitoring` will dump all the content of the underlying database. We should limit the size of the output and provide a pagination mechanism.
Supporting synonyms would also allow to match mapping values in a case insensitive way (see #259) We need synonyms for this because - Matched mappings should return their reference value...
The commons-lang3 version is too old and doesn't have a `JavaVersion` entry for Java > 8. This error is thrown even if Java is configured to run the application with...
`@any` (and all the other system entities) are now mapped with `"(\\S)+"` (every sequence of non-space characters). This could be improved when the rest of the String to match is...
I guess the name of the session is not encoded/decoded properly and the runtime cannot retrieve it.
The created `XatkitSessions` are never released, even when the sessions are effectively over. This constitute a memory leak (the memory used to store sessions will increase over time, and cannot...