Gwendal Daniel
Gwendal Daniel
We just integrated `(Itemize|Enumerate)List` actions for Slack and React, but it looks like a quick fix and not a portable solution. The main issue is that every platform has its...
`IntentRecognitionProvider#registerEntityDefinition` and `IntentRecognitionProvider#registerIntentDefinition` both return `void`. This is an issue for testing, especially for providers that process the Xatkit intents/entities before registering them. It would be better to return the...
Session is implemented as a `Map`, so we have a single way to access session values: `session.get(key)`, which returns an `Object`. Most of the time we know what we are...
The connector simply uses the first fragment for the moment. This should be fixed the same way we fixed the other providers. See this commit for more information on the...
`I hate you` is correctly matched to `Negative`, but `I hate you!` is matched to `Very positive`. The matching itself is an issue, but also the returned value, which is...
DialogFlow requires to specify a parameter name for Entities references from CompositeEntities, eg. ``` this is a @AllInstances:Class of @Class:Class ``` The parameter names are provided after the ':', and...
In some use cases the user may ask a question in a language not supported by the bot. It would be nice to at least catch this language to return...
This feature would be useful for the live chat: once the user has started a conversation with the support we don't want to bot to interfere in the conversation, and...
This could complement the checks already performed by the intent recognition provider. For example, DialogFlow has some type checking for emails, but still maps obviously wrong emails. On the other...