distorm copied to clipboard
endbr32/64 not decoded
Any function compiled by the default C compiler (gcc-11) on Ubuntu 22.04 starts with endbr32/64. However distorm hasn't supported it yet(https://github.com/gdabah/distorm/issues/131#issuecomment-444846043). Other libraries support it.
distorm (master branch):
000055d29b704c18 (01) f3 DB 0xf3
000055d29b704c19 (01) 0f DB 0xf
000055d29b704c1a (01) 1e DB 0x1e
000055d29b704c1b (01) fa CLI
000055d29b704c1c (01) 55 PUSH RBP
capstone 5.0-rc4:
000056260e794c18 (04) F3 0F 1E FA endbr64
000056260e794c1c (01) 55 push rbp
zydis 4.0.0:
000055dd66b8bc18 (04) F3 0F 1E FA endbr64
000055dd66b8bc1c (01) 55 push rbp