tumblesocks copied to clipboard
An Emacs tumblr client for tumblr's v2 API.
I forked https://codeberg.org/martianh/tumblesocks into https://codeberg.org/gargle/tumblesocks and made some changes to your code to make it work with oauth again. I also changed the layout, added #tags to posts, and I...
Hello @gcr. I forked https://codeberg.org/martianh/tumblesocks into https://codeberg.org/gargle/tumblesocks and made some changes to your code to make it work with oauth again. I also changed the layout, added #tags to posts,...
i forked this and the old emacs-oath lib, and pushed the known fixes to them: https://codeberg.org/martianh/tumblesocks, and https://codeberg.org/martianh/emacs-oauth.
it's really just cl-flet, plus a little hoovering.
Won't connect to Tumblr. Tumblr end is fine, author's server returns a code to put into emacs, albeit over an unencrypted http link, which is pretty unforgivable in 2020. Anyway,...
I am trying to use tumblesocks in Mac OSX 10.9, and followed instructions to install and configure. It successfully gets authorized from tumblr, but when I do `m-x tumblesocks-view-dashboard`, emacs...
After writing down fairly lengthy post about how I managed to get Tumblesocks work on my current setup, I tried to submit this post using `C-c C-c` command, after entering...
Hello, Is it possible to post embedded video with tumblesocks? I've tried using embed code but was unsuccessful. I've also been unable to edit prior "video" posts in Tumblr. Thanks...
To be able to like and reblog posts from the dashboard, I have to install this advice: ``` emacs-lisp (defadvice tumblesocks-api-blog-posts (around rrix/hack-tumblesocks-api) "Hack the tumblesocks API to properly work...
I've only made one post via tumblesocks and the rest couldn't go in because of "GnuTLS error: # ,-19" when I'd post text from my buffer. I'm using emacs 24.3.1...