BrowserRefresh-Sublime copied to clipboard
Not working (Mac OS X 10.8.5)
Not working. I use Mac OS Lion, Sublime 2, and I've tested several times with Chrome, Canary and Safari without success.
I confirm I have issue with Google Chrome Version 32.0.1700.41 beta on Mac I tried to add Canary but it's not working at all with Chrome.
But for Safari+Firefox the extension works perfectly.
Are you using Parallels Desktop, there seems be an issue with that for some strange reason? If you are can you disable application sharing? I believe that's the feature that integrates windows apps on your mac desktop?
Also can you try these commands on the terminal and tell me the output?
# 1. Check if you have the osascript command
which osascript
# 2. This command should bring Chrome to the foreground.
osascript -e 'tell application "Google Chrome" to activate'
# 3. This command should bring Chrome to the foreground and reload the active tab.
curl | osascript $1
Yes the problem was the Parallels Desktop App Sharing. When I run the Command #2 it starts the virtual machine. Problem solved :+1:
Yes the problem for me was installing Chrome under Windows via Parallels Desktop (same as maxime-cruding in comment above). When I run the Command #2 (osascript -e 'tell application "Google Chrome" to activate') it starts the virtual machine/Parallels.
To disable Application Sharing in Parallels, see here: