gowid icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gowid copied to clipboard

Compositional widgets for terminal user interfaces, written in Go, inspired by urwid.

Terminal User Interface Widgets in Go

Gowid provides widgets and a framework for making terminal user interfaces. It's written in Go and inspired by urwid.

Widgets out-of-the-box include:

  • input components like button, checkbox and an editable text field with support for passwords
  • layout components for arranging widgets in columns, rows and a grid
  • structured components - a tree, an infinite list and a table
  • pre-canned widgets - a progress bar, a modal dialog, a bar graph and a menu
  • a VT220-compatible terminal widget, heavily cribbed from urwid :smiley:

All widgets support interaction with the mouse when the terminal allows.

Gowid is built on top of the fantastic tcell package.

There are many alternatives to gowid - see Similar Projects

The most developed gowid application is currently termshark, a terminal UI for tshark.


go get github.com/gcla/gowid/...


Make sure $GOPATH/bin is in your PATH (or ~/go/bin if GOPATH isn't set), then tab complete "gowid-" e.g.


Here is a port of urwid's palette example:

Here is urwid's graph example:

And urwid's fibonacci example:

A demonstration of gowid's terminal widget, a port of urwid's terminal widget:

Finally, here is an animation of termshark in action:

Hello World

This example is an attempt to mimic urwid's "Hello World" example.

package main

import (


func main() {

	palette := gowid.Palette{
		"banner":  gowid.MakePaletteEntry(gowid.ColorWhite, gowid.MakeRGBColor("#60d")),
		"streak":  gowid.MakePaletteEntry(gowid.ColorNone, gowid.MakeRGBColor("#60a")),
		"inside":  gowid.MakePaletteEntry(gowid.ColorNone, gowid.MakeRGBColor("#808")),
		"outside": gowid.MakePaletteEntry(gowid.ColorNone, gowid.MakeRGBColor("#a06")),
		"bg":      gowid.MakePaletteEntry(gowid.ColorNone, gowid.MakeRGBColor("#d06")),

	div := divider.NewBlank()
	outside := styled.New(div, gowid.MakePaletteRef("outside"))
	inside := styled.New(div, gowid.MakePaletteRef("inside"))

	helloworld := styled.New(
				text.StyledContent("Hello World", gowid.MakePaletteRef("banner")),
				Align: gowid.HAlignMiddle{},

	f := gowid.RenderFlow{}

	view := styled.New(
				&gowid.ContainerWidget{IWidget: outside, D: f},
				&gowid.ContainerWidget{IWidget: inside, D: f},
				&gowid.ContainerWidget{IWidget: helloworld, D: f},
				&gowid.ContainerWidget{IWidget: inside, D: f},
				&gowid.ContainerWidget{IWidget: outside, D: f},

	app, _ := gowid.NewApp(gowid.AppArgs{
		View:    view,
		Palette: &palette,

Running the example above displays this:


  • The beginnings of a tutorial
  • A list of most of the widgets
  • Some FAQs (which I guessed at...)
  • Some gowid programming tricks

Similar Projects

Gowid is late to the TUI party. There are many options from which to choose - please read https://appliedgo.net/tui/ for a nice summary for the Go language. Here is a selection:

  • urwid - one of the oldest, for those working in python
  • tview - active, polished, concise, lots of widgets, Go
  • termui - focus on graphing and dataviz, Go
  • gocui - focus on layout, good input options, mouse support, Go
  • clui - active, many widgets, mouse support, Go
  • tui-go - QT-inspired, experimental, nice examples, Go


Gowid depends on these great open-source packages:

  • urwid - not a Go-dependency, but the model for most of gowid's design
  • tcell - a cell based view for text terminals, like xterm, inspired by termbox
  • asciigraph - lightweight ASCII line-graphs for Go
  • logrus - structured pluggable logging for Go
  • testify - tools for testifying that your code will behave as you intend



License: MIT