Gérald Choqueux
Gérald Choqueux
Yes, I noticed that it isn't clear. I will read this [article](http://docs.geotools.org/latest/userguide/library/referencing/order.html) to find solution on the order of the `EPSG:4326`axes. A non breaking change solution is needed, surely with...
Hello, I try your 3dtiles url. I noticed 2 problems: 1. There's points cloud with [quantized position](https://github.com/CesiumGS/3d-tiles/blob/master/specification/TileFormats/PointCloud/README.md#quantized-positions) but **iTowns doesn't support quantized position**. I could add quick support. 2. I...
Thanks to report this issue! I try with your data and there's issue with itowns
There is this alternative example, [view_25d_map](http://www.itowns-project.org/itowns/examples/#view_25d_map), it uses `WMSSource` and color texture elevation ([see code](https://github.com/iTowns/itowns/blob/master/examples/view_25d_map.html#L80-L98)). I will inquire about IGN key.
you cloud use https://gdal.org/ to extract/convert data from WMTS
Hello @ladislavhorky , thanks for your interest in itowns. For the moment iTowns doesn't support the `features tables.` We are in 3dtiles refactoring with @jailln . I couldn't work, in...
Hi At the moment itowns doesn't support 3d tiles next
Hello, thank you for your contribution. > Create a class for each object of the spec and put them in src/Core/3DTiles/ . I started working on some of these classes...
Very good to start next week. I had seen your branch, the future PR will allow you to exchange on your code.
thanks @elias75015 @Sam-Scolari you use which itowns version?