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Software libraries that implement hierarchical matrices
Curated list of Hierarchical Matrices ($\mathcal{H}$-Matrices) libraries (by language) and papers (by year). Inspired by the awesome-awesomeness list.
HiCMA Hatem Ltaief, Kadir Akbudak (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)
- Open source
- Hierarchical format: $\mathcal{H}$
Hlib Lars Grasedyck and Steffen Börm (Leipzig, Max Planck Institute)
- Source code available through signed license agreement.
- Hierarchical format: $\mathcal{H}$ and $\mathcal{H}^2$
H2Lib Steffen Boerm, Knut Reimer, Dirk Boysen, Sven Christophersen, Nadine Albrecht, and Jens Burmeister. (University of Kiel)
- Open source
- Hierarchical format: $\mathcal{H}$ and $\mathcal{H}^2$
HLIBpro Ronald Kriemann (Leipzig, Max Planck Institute)
- Binary files only, distributed memory implementation on MPI, on shared memory based on TBB
- Hierarchical format: $\mathcal{H}$ and $\mathcal{H}^2$
AHMED Mario Bebendorf and Sergej Rjasanow (University of Bonn)
- Source code available through online license agreement.
- Hierarchical format: $\mathcal{H}$
BBFMM3D W. Fong, and E. Darve (Stanford University)
- Black-box fast multipole method for general kernels. The FMM is based on Chebyshev and Fourier interpolation methods.
BEM++ W. Smigaj, S. Arridge, T. Betcke, J. Phillips, M. Schweiger (University College London)
- Boundary Integral Problems with BEM++, accelerated by $\mathcal{H}$-Matrices
DMHM Jack Poulson and Ryan Li (Stanford University and Georgia Tech)
- Open source
- Hierarchical format: $\mathcal{H}$
STRUMPACK X. Sherry Li, Pieter Ghysels, Gustavo Chávez, Yang Liu (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Open source
- Hierarchical format: HSS, HOLDR, BLR
Dense_HODLR Amirhossein Aminfar (Stanford University)
- Open source
- Hierarchical format: HODLR
Structured CHOLMOD David Bindel (Cornell University)
- Open source
LoRaSp Hadi Pouransari and Eric Darve (Stanford University)
- Hierarchical format: $\mathcal{H}^2$
- A revised version of LORASP with additional options and a more modular software design
RLCM Jie Chen (IBM)
- linear complexity assembly
- sub-linear complexity solves: $O(n)$ many solves in $O(n \log(n))$ complexity
hmglib Peter Zaspel (University of Basel)
- Open source
- Hierarchical format: $\mathcal{H}$
Misc Per-Gunnar Martinsson (University of Colorado Boulder)
- Various scripts, Randomized SVD, Interpolative decomposition, Multi-frontal solvers.
- Hierarchical format: S, HSS
HSS Jianlin Xia (Purdue University)
- Hierarchically SemiSeparable package
- Hierarchical format: HSS
RSVDPACK Sergey Voronin and Per-Gunnar Martinsson (University of Colorado Boulder)
- Randomized SVD on GPU
- C and Matlab codes
HMat Haizhao Yang and Yingzhou Li (Duke University and Stanford University)
- Hierarchical Matrices in Julia and Matlab
- Matlab library for many types of structured matrices
SSS_Toeplitz Jianlin Xia and J. Zhu (Purdue University)
- Superfast SSS Toeplitz solver
- Hierarchical format: HSS
HACApK Akihiro Ida (The University of Tokyo)
- Lattice H-matrices
- Hierarchical format: $\mathcal{H}$
H2Tools Alexander Mikhalev (KAUST / Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Open source
- Hierarchical format: $\mathcal{H}^2$
KernelMatrices.jl Chris Geoga (Argonne National Laboratory)
- HODLR matrices with ACA or Nystrom approximation for off-diagonal blocks
- First and second derivatives of kernel matrices that are continuous with respect to kernel parameters
HssMatrices.jl Boris Bonev (EPFL)
- library for HSS matrices in Julia
- various compression algorithms, fast solvers and multiplication, as well as visualization tools
HMatrices.jl Luiz M. Faria (INRIA)
- $\mathcal{H}$ hierarchical format with support for $\mathcal{H}$-LU factorization
- Focus on applications to boundary integral equation methods
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